Unique work of art from the old town..
In a lot of cities across Czech republic there will be a plague column standing somewhere and the royal city of Most was no exception. When the devastation of the city was decided it was also decided that few of the monuments will be moved to the newly built city. And because of that, you can now see it’s glory from upclose.
Nowadays you can find it in the city centre at the 1st squre. The plague column has it’s privilidged place in the city centre as a reminder of it’s original location in the old town (also at the 1st squre). It was built in 1681 by a sculptor John Peter from Toscana (Giovanni Pietro de Toscana) to salitude the victims of the big plague epidemy.
Plague column with a statue of St. Ann – appearance
The column has a two-stepped pedestal and the column itself is surrounded with little angels. On it’s top there is a head with a sculpture of St. Ann alongside with sculptures of Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. On the lover level you can see sculptures of four saints who are there to protect the plague column. They are, in Czech, sv. Anežka Římská, sv. Rozálie z Palerma, sv. Roch and sv. Šebestián.