Unique place where nature can bloom again..
Lake Most is situeted in the northen area of Most, to be exact in area where old town of Most was. This old town was demolished in the second half of 20th century. The reason was simple – there was coal under it. This particular mining site called Ležáky was active till the end of 90’s. Then it was decided that the area will go through a process of recultivation and in the begining of the new century the site was filled with water. Nowadays it’s become favourite place to relax for visitors from nearby and afar who can visit the lake in any season. Lake is also really popular with people who enjoys sports and tourism. This area is still being transformed every year. That means that it will look slightly different evere time you visit it. So what are you waitting for? Let yourself be amazed by it’s beautiful nature.
If you are not able to visit the lake on your own then you can “walk around the area” with a help of virtual reality or see how it looks like right now with real-time webcams.

Lake Most in numbers
This lake is situated in the north area of the city. It has 309 hectars and the lake has 70,5 mil. cubic meters of water in it. This means that lake Most is with it’s capacity bigger than famous Máchovo lake. It is aproximetly 1,9 km wide and the total lenght is 3 km. In some places the depth of the lake is up to 71 meters. Water in here is really clear with transparacy of 8 meters. The whole area of the lake that was recultivated has 1 300 hectars at total. Thanks to the process of recultivation there can be find around 350 spiecies of botanicals (some of them are rare).
The rucultivation process and filling of the lake
After the complete excavation of coal, it was decided that the area would be recultivated in a hydric way. It began on October 24, 2008. The filling was established by the company Palivový kombinát Ústí, now Diamo. All the water that filled the lake was transported with a feeder from the Ohře river at a speed of 0,8 cubic meters per second. The whole filling process took six years in total from Ocotber 2008 to September 2014. In between there was a two year gap in 2012 and 2013. There were a lot of controls of the lake surface and monitoring of the surrounding areas at that time. Step by step the coast was rearranged and the roads to the lake were build. Lake Most was publicly opened in September 12, 2020.

Freetime activities
Swimmers can enjoy terraced pebble beaches here. It is much more easier to get in the water thanks to the access piers on the lake. Visiting families can enjoy a big playground with a lot of fun activities for kids. For those who enjoy sports there are a lot of places to play beach related sports. And donť worry, there is even a place for your four legged friend to swim – special dog beaches. In addition to swimming, it also offers a nine-kilometre circuit leading along the lake, which is used by both tourists, runners as well as cyclists. Further, there is a 2.5-kilometre nature trail situated on the southern slopes. Because of the large area could the water surface be sepparated into three zones – there is a zone for swimming, a zone for non-motorized boat transport and water sports and an idle zone where the local fauna and flora can develop.
The lake is sough-after by divers. It’s water is highly transparent and clear. This is also thanks to the fish that were put in here. You can find up to 8 spiecies including some predators. However, fishing is not possible here due to the controlled hatchery. The large area has become really popular by birds that are moving to south. In winter you can see over 26 species of birds here with 10 000 individuals. Some of them are even rare to see elsewhere.
If you want to sail with non-motorized boat on the lake or dive in it then you have to ask for permission first. This includes driving a car to the water surface to transport a gear for a sport activity (if you don’t want to go with it from the parking lot above the beach area). For this you need to fill a form and send it to an e-mail adres Seidl@ko.pku.cz. Your apllication should be fullfilled in two week days. Unfortunatelly the form and rulles to it are only available in czech and you can download it below.
Beware, you have to obey certain rules in the lake area. You can see the list of it in here. We ask you to obey them and help us keep the area nice and clean.
How to get to the lake?
There is a newly built road to the lake. You can leave your car on a parking lot above the main beach for free. In summer there is also a temporarily made parking lot nearby (on a grass) – you can see it’s location on the map bellow.

You can also get to the lake by a local bus number 16 which route was extended to go there. The station in located near to the main beach above the parking lot. You can find a map of it’s route and a list of it’s departing time schedule bellow.