Renesance treasure in the centre of the city..
This fountain with a statue of lion is one of the few monumets that was move from the royal city of Most. It is a renesance styled fountain and nowadays you can see it in city centre at the 1st squre. You can say that the fountain is a centrepiece of the square. It is proven in any season – in spring there will be wattle and ribbons on it for easter, in winter there will be christmas decorations and fairylights on it. It’s water provides nice refreshment in summer and in this particular season you will find koi fish swimming there (it’s mostly koi fish but there can be other species too).
Origin of the fountain
This fountain was buit by Vincence Petrasche in 1587. It was ordered from the high-ups in the old town to be a centrepiece of the 1st squre (same as the plague column). In 1729 the statue of lion was added in the middle of the fountain. It’s orignal form lasted just to the year 1881. It was modified to “better fit the modern standarts” of that age. So the statue of lion was switched to smaller fountain system with iron bowls. Luckily the statue was given to the museum to keep it safe. It has kept this appearance till it was needed to be moved to other location. The reason – a new statue of president T. G. Masaryk situated instead of the fountain. When the fountain was moved, it’s appearance chaged again – to the original one with the statue of lion.
Soon after that it was decided that the old town of Most will be demolished so it was time for the fountain to be moved again. At firt it was situated in the middle of the residential area in newly built city. Sadly enough it got vandalized many times there. So it was finally moved to it’s final destination at the 1st squre next to the plague column in 1999. It was completely renovated before the big and last move.
Fountain with a statue of lion – appearance
The fountain is made of sandstone from nearby region Osek. It has eight sides and three steps. About the statue – the lion is standing on it’s back feet and between his front feet is an emblem of the city. Underneath the lion there are four lion heads which acts like a gargoyles. Author of the statue is Jan Adam Dietz from Jezeří. Last thing to say: the astatue is now just a replica, because the original is in local museum to keep it safe, as it was attacked by vandals many times.